Thursday, June 28, 2018

Exactly because love brings life at its deepest intensity, a break up can be the most painful experience of death.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Without knowing the limits of what you want to know you will never know it at all; and the fear of what it could be, but you never checked out, can torment and possess you.  Behind this fear are your true desires pointing to something  beyond the limits, even as something that never can happen. The fear points to a death that we experience at the edge of the limit; the true will behind those desires,however, goes beyond the limit, expand it, because it is the spirit of life itself. The will can set limits for someone because it can go far beyond them as well.  On the same way, your will dies if the limit appear as too threatening , or if the limit is totally unknown. In one case your energy dies by pressure, in the other case it dies by lost of pressure.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Only a stupid society like ours ( a society without roots) need to give more money for ephemeral solutions against suicide ( superficial entertainment is one of them) than for its prevention by reinforcing what distinct us as human beings (not as chimps!): this distinction means namely when society lives like a pyramid for the actual and spiritual transcendence of its individuals in THIS life, not as a desgusting nihilistic labyrinth of fear from oneself and goodly masked cowardice.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

If you think that you are your personal history it will be hard to change your personal history. Because every human being is in fact transcendent being; not the things that happen, but what relate the happenings meaningfully to each other or not.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

For some people the ultimate meaning is to live for few limited  goods that life gives to them; for some other people the ultimate meaning is to live for that what gives them the life and its unlimited  goods.

Devemos ser gratos pelo Ser estar sendo e funcionando a todo momento, sem te cobrar nada em troca.Sentir isto é uma forma de afinar e vibra...