Saturday, February 16, 2019


Analysis without conclusion are quite the norm nowadays at the university.

Image result for analysisSo people constantly miss the point of achieving meaning, or achieving the experience of meaningfulness. That happens dues to an absence of appropriate philosophical education, because only the philosophers would teach how and inspire you to take conclusions. Only they taught how to take conclusions out of an empirical data. No scientist did something great without considering deep philosophical questions on logic and theory of knowledge. Those teachings were mostly done by example: not every philosopher shows a logical structure behind his thought; but even so, those exceptions are made by philosophers who inspire us building strong concepts out o things we already thought to notice and be aware of everyday. Most precisely, in my opinion, Hegel and Aristotle would be enough for the task: Aristotle has principles that are reasonable for every beginner, no matter the field he deals with; and Hegel would teach you how to think things that are in motion and its contradictory complexity. He teaches you the inner life of our concepts by showing it. 
Problematic is that frequently when these thinkers are taught, the teacher doesn't believe truly in them.

I learned that it takes a lot of blood for you to integrate a philosopher on your intellectual life. But I don't mean simply "discipline" by that: I mean intellectual passion, straight and courage. Because sometimes it can lead you even to apparently useless or very unwanted existential moments, before you realise that there was already something right about "common sense".

Above all, its a matter of style and taking seriously the following  posture: " I do analysis in order to answer mostly precise questions, and I analyse the status and relevance of my questions, I will never analyse to please or earn a highly questionable social status".

Image Credit:
©Feodora -

You do better not dying for virtue, because without you the world would be less virtuous. 
Keep the virtue more to yourself and hold it like a dog on the line.
So do you worry about your dreams coming into reality, but you never allow the things to be as they were meant to be at the time of their creation?

Friday, February 15, 2019

Ask your self:

Do you worry more about what you achieve or about things the world has achieved
through you?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Harder than to find things like truth , knowledge and wisdom, is to find who cares about it when one is not  in a relation of paid submission to authority. 
Wise people are likely to be non reactive, after they got deep intellectual relation with their emotions and illusions; stupid people are just apathetic, nothing can really matter to them, even if it would be true that nothing matters. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

The Cultural Meaning of Music depends on its Therapeutic Features

Wise people are likely to be non reactive, after they got deep intellectual relation with their emotions and illusions; stupid people are just apathetic, nothing can really matter to them, even if it would be true that nothing matters. 

If you don’t „know“ nothing about the whole spectrum of emotions you have , embracing your ego behind your consciousness, you don’t have any contact with the reality yet; 

So whatever the reality may mean, the one you face everyday is still not a mature product.We have to work if we want contact with the things, not our childish representation of things. So you may perceive only unknown shadows of your own fears or desires in what people and your surrounding says to you - because in fact you never experience emotions and concepts beyond yourself.

In this sense music, and the poetry music brings into light, are  there not only for just one small purpose of the daily life. Music can give to you emotions, sensations, the experience of concepts that can bring you back to your self.

Maybe your soul is missing a lot of elementar substances?

Maybe because even composers are not aware of them anymore...

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Epistemological Love Triangle

Our knowledge is essentially related to analogies.

That is so because all beings are united and conserved by ONE thing, that relates beings meaningfully to each other.

That’s why art, especially as poetry, is an  expression of our knowledge AND our experience of the world: it brings abstract analogies of the reality into a concrete and sensual expression of it. In that relies artistical meaning. 

„Because words are essentially relating beings, scarcely existing ones , they are in strict sense RELATION-SHIPS.Not your presence, for instance, but your words ( what you say or don’t say) can save or kill a relationship: because they determine the meaning of your presence relating it to the very core of the things in themselves. The more you love something, the more poetic you are with it: as a lover you want to say what really IS, but never can fulfill this attempt, because what really IS brings you always to infinite circles and metaphers that the lovers never end to express. Nevertheless it seems to be like a game, though a very serious one.

Now I ask you: do you think that you are an expert about any REAL thing while you permanently EXCLUDE  from your personal experience all other categories of beings in this universe in order to save a social position ?

The measure in wich you know the world determines the measure in wich you know yourself. Conversely you don’t know nothing REAL about the world if you don’t break the  coward limits  the self protecting ego imposes to yourself -  not to live without identity, but in order to set new , expanded, limits. 

Was not Plato who recognized that knowledge  , love and reality make an unbreakble and chemical wedding? 

Thats the triangle whose limits are expanding forces, able to unresistible analogical integration.

Devemos ser gratos pelo Ser estar sendo e funcionando a todo momento, sem te cobrar nada em troca.Sentir isto é uma forma de afinar e vibra...