Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Direitismo radical da esquerda ( subsídio para uma lists de outros paradoxos)

Em Munique um iraniano é acusado de direitismo extremo, junto a racismo. Por outro lado, fala-se do esquerdismo por trás da globalização aplicada aos refugiados, grupo do qual ele fez parte num asilo, de custos assistencialistas.

E então?

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Quanto dura?

O mais importante no tempo humano é seu valor existencial; 

e para este valor não há mesura, pois sua intensidade e matiz são especialmente novos e singulares cada vez em cada um. 

Mas para a mesura, sim, há sempre um tempo existencial que lhe dá vínculo e sentido.

 O tempo, pois, alarga-se e adensa-se conforme à felicidade ou à tristeza,
ao prazer ou desprazer, 

traindo a própria duração que aparentemente tanto nos promete.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


What is the meaning to be a winner of a competition today, that is not a competition for sport? That none better than you was there to win it, other that the winner of another competition was not really recognised at this time.

 Are we really in everything a player?

The rules of a competition are not immediately the rules of the arts.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

To Think / Risk

A really philosophical thinking would encourage you to suspend for a while your whole behavior, even in its more "natural" other normal moments. It is not matter of intelligence other expertise, but of direction of a personality. That's is the intrinsical "risk of thinking".

 And the individual possibility of that cannot be the matter of a political plan; but just matter of the political protection against things that overwhelm this freeway, and against things that hidden the creative darkness of thought from those who could and should be the honest thinkers themselves.

Only in compromise to a true self exists a true thinking. And there is no original thinking without first of all an honest thinking, that one given to its own risk.

Risk / PhD

Thinking is (since the days of Tales from Miletus) a neurotic risk.

It is a wonderful discovery on the academical system of production, to write things that seem as "discussions" other "thesis" for those who never read the main works of such discussions, other don´t have any information other thought about that. A thesis seems to be nowadays - principally on arts and humanities - always an introductory entertainment or some kind of high level of journalism.  The principal aim is to give the reader a sensation that he earns time with someone who read so much  - but not necessarily think as well. 

Seduction rules everywhere.
Thinking is a neurotic risk.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Mão do Não Compulsivo.

Como que a mesmo consciência consegue ao mesmo tempo admoestar por fritar um pintinho mas não por furar um feto?

Devemos ser gratos pelo Ser estar sendo e funcionando a todo momento, sem te cobrar nada em troca.Sentir isto é uma forma de afinar e vibra...