We have finally access to ALL human information and art possible.
However we still don’t regain access to our own brains...
in order to relate these informations to each other, build concepts and relate it to reality.
And for the perception of reality is still important to regain access to our perception through a very thoughtful, imaginative art, capable of emote and open our hearts to what actually is there, not in us.
Every human treasure, fruits of genious and hard work is there,
but to be stupid still rules.
online philosophical notebook/discussions per email: magalhaesem@stud.sbg.ac.at/whatsapp philosophical group: mail me //subscribe also to my channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCugFpnImXbT4sFi8ZcqO5sg?view_as=subscriber
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Love, Porn and Self-Improviment
The best part of being a self-improving person is that you are more likely to be a good seducer - at least if you don’t choose celibate; and after you are a good seducer, namely by ways in wich you can overcome yourself , you don’t have important erotical problems: you just fell pathetic and unchallenged while depending on porn and its unavoidable accidental encounters with the bestial world.
Aesthetical representations of the sensual conditions of love are not the problem, but how it reflects more and more civilizational sickness and hostile disconnection of genders is.
Check the statistics, and principaly the pornsites ( not the only the pleasend and softy surface, but their contradiction with the world of laws, or even with the same thing that supports them!) then you can see that massive amount people are searching for self-degradation while postponing self-improviment.
If people take seriously this unspoken issue, than we can finally talk about erotic ( beauty and sex) and therefore ars sexualis (holistic aspect of erotic and love), because that should be what matters.
Radically and unconsciously related to the first forces of life is wisdom waiting for us
Aesthetical representations of the sensual conditions of love are not the problem, but how it reflects more and more civilizational sickness and hostile disconnection of genders is.
Check the statistics, and principaly the pornsites ( not the only the pleasend and softy surface, but their contradiction with the world of laws, or even with the same thing that supports them!) then you can see that massive amount people are searching for self-degradation while postponing self-improviment.
If people take seriously this unspoken issue, than we can finally talk about erotic ( beauty and sex) and therefore ars sexualis (holistic aspect of erotic and love), because that should be what matters.
Radically and unconsciously related to the first forces of life is wisdom waiting for us
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Friday, October 5, 2018
Shortcuts / Mediocrity
No matter if in battlefield or in the library, shortcuts are definitly the best way to mediocrity. What can you spect from so many university degrees based in shortcuts, selling theirselves as "overviews" or "resumes", if not sophisticated mediocrity?
The practical meaning of overviews or resumes are always a upcoming task, but how often you settled to a overview or resume without upcoming tasks that are taken really seriously?
Independence of outcome is one thing; using the "complexity (or relativity) of knowledge" for a masked establishment of mediocrity is another thing.
The practical meaning of overviews or resumes are always a upcoming task, but how often you settled to a overview or resume without upcoming tasks that are taken really seriously?
Independence of outcome is one thing; using the "complexity (or relativity) of knowledge" for a masked establishment of mediocrity is another thing.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
How can you respect a political position that permits to murder a baby ( just because he is “inside”) but discriminates openly who eat a stupid but sacred piece of chicken?!
As if one could after a rhetorical choreography incentivate whatever murder as a legal and standardized option! Human babies are therefore going to have less dignity as a chicken.
As if one could after a rhetorical choreography incentivate whatever murder as a legal and standardized option! Human babies are therefore going to have less dignity as a chicken.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Monday, October 1, 2018
To teach means: allow to make conscient, therefore responsible, mistakes. And by “allowing” I mean: to set ficticious limits and create a proper emotional space.
So you create a “game”. And everyone learned from playing games. The most basic game is imitation of things we like as a child. And the most hard is music, principally music imitating the games played by the universe.
(Music can be the hardest game because it is the game one creates and plays at the same time, while doing it.)
So you create a “game”. And everyone learned from playing games. The most basic game is imitation of things we like as a child. And the most hard is music, principally music imitating the games played by the universe.
(Music can be the hardest game because it is the game one creates and plays at the same time, while doing it.)
Saturday, September 29, 2018
”Don’t Judge”
It is not about being not judgemental: it is about judging more the sin than the sinner.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Love and Atraction (Ontologically)
Attraction happens by opposition; love by similarity.
But each one, the opposition as much the similarity, can be accidental or substantial, and with or without each other. And the qualities of the main types of relationships ( the familiar, the friendship, the erotical, and others) is ruled by this configuration. Furthermore, for some oppositions are obviously destructive or simple doesn't cause attraction by its nature so its a certain kind of opposition what maters:
the opposition in therms of a complementation
the opposition in therms of a creative conflict,
the opposition in therms of a hierarchy
the opposition in therms of gender
and so on.
They appear in general as fullness and lack of something. So it is not enough the existence of difference; it is necessary that the difference manifest itself as a opposition, and that such opposition is related as fullness and emptyness of something in common, that is, something to share.
If some opposition is just intended as absolute appearance and empty expression, this "game" shows in fact a similarity between those who are related in the attraction, or it shows a complementation of the differences between then: that is the common play of lovers, to play as if, and so opposition and underlying similarity seems to increase at the same time. The attractive opposition is a opposition between appearances and sensitive manifestations: that is why it provoke emotions faster, although not always everlasting emotions. For the same reason a difference can be source of repulsion when felt as a certain and threatening opposition.
In the other hand a similar quality can be also attractive, but its sensitive manifestation affects more the reason and judgement. So it matters for the attraction if the sensation of similarity is predominant of good or bad things, but namely in the sense that just one or other its seem. An attractive similarity is attractive if it shows the good qualities and hides the bad ones.
However, the similarity, as a universal category for everything that exists, not a certain sensitive manifestation to the feeling, is more essential, because it sets a condition to think what is different, and so to re-think and judge what is opposed; not less evident it is some similarity by itself, taken beyond the reactions to feelings of attraction or repulsion, condition of love. Condition, but not cause yet: not because two things are similar in some aspect we can perceive then as related in love.
It is necessary that they recognise the whole shared similarity, not its short appearance to the sensibility "as only bad or only good", and accept (i.e. don't fear) the emotion parallel to this recognition (the love). Recognition is here not meant as a process of thought, although a spiritual act (a mental act). It is the "second cognition": the reflex over the felling.
Recognition of the similar condition in a precedent universal similarity is then the cause of love, and love a kind of unmixed gender of emotion above half-conscious feelings based on sensations. It requires a mind capable of conceiving a whole that goes beyond itself. So you love the Creation, your cat, or even your cup of tea in the proportion of the similarity that you can recognise between you and then, but also in proportion to the similarity you both have with what is precedent and universal to you both.
Recognition of the similar condition in a precedent universal similarity is then the cause of love, and love a kind of unmixed gender of emotion above half-conscious feelings based on sensations. It requires a mind capable of conceiving a whole that goes beyond itself. So you love the Creation, your cat, or even your cup of tea in the proportion of the similarity that you can recognise between you and then, but also in proportion to the similarity you both have with what is precedent and universal to you both.
It is therefore not hard to see a important difference between love and attraction:
attraction happens at a subconscious level, but for love is required awareness.
That is why love and hate are properly human/spiritual things, and animals are just attracted (or repulsed) to each other: they never love or hate.
But their world are not so apart from ours at all:
But their world are not so apart from ours at all:
It is a world constitued of causal reactions or indiference, where a value that connect such events is missing.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Sunday, September 9, 2018
The Abstract God
It is a priceless gift that we have from the judish-christian Tradition: to set God as absolute pureness and so to establish the capacity to think it out of the world and so to think it abstractly. However...what many catholics don't understand anymore is how to catch the meaning of God expressions in the nature. Events like a total eclipse of the sun at the day light, or virgo in full moon at the beginning of autumm does mean nothing to then...I asked the priest:
and he answered:
"Which Sunday is this on the liturgical calendar?"
and he answered:
" Nothing special, is just the twenty-third Sunday" in ordinary time.
So why a "employed of God" speak about the Heaven quite every Sunday if the Sky passes absolutely meaningless to him by ?
Something is missing there.
Something is missing there.
God would be absurd if God would stay uncommunicated in itself. Only in its expression God is absolute.
No instituted religion can extinguish the infinite interpretation of his expression.
No one is replaced by God without replacing oneself in the m o v i n g order of Creation.
The spiritual parameters of your placement are the parameters given by the meaningfulness of your concrete limits.
Only through limits you go beyond.
The spiritual parameters of your placement are the parameters given by the meaningfulness of your concrete limits.
Only through limits you go beyond.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Friday, September 7, 2018
Charity and Manipulation
If one is not asking for help, helping too much can be manipulation.
That is why charity is something so rare: the person who cares for another person, another person out of its intimacy, does it not only because one don't want nothing in change for that, it does also paying the price of being possibly perceived as a manipulator.
That is why charity is something so rare: the person who cares for another person, another person out of its intimacy, does it not only because one don't want nothing in change for that, it does also paying the price of being possibly perceived as a manipulator.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Analysis without Synthesis
At every university you can find people doing analysis of something. And everywhere they are satisfied with the identification and never do the step of interpretation and comparation. Also many students don’t know about the theory behind such analysis and are confused , thinking that the set of names and symbols employed there are already this theory. In some cases it seems to me that is even for the master very hard to know what is behind a established analytical praxis because he forgot to ask where he came from. In such cases, asking the question is already the victory.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Musical Paradigm
Dear composer, I need to teach you that: a musical style is not a historical period! The negation of that is a simplification and serves just to a busy teacher of music history or composer who is neurotic with progress.
Music is the game of gods, and a musical style is a very special game, not a historical paradigm. Like a game that a child don't want anymore to play, cultural paradigms can come back and even stronger.
If nothing come back and different it would be impossible to open a new ("original") paradigm.
Essentialy, there is only three principles on the background of this historical motion: affirmation (conservation), negation, and discovery. One just need to embrace those three principles on the same creation.
What is called revolution is often misunderstood in two manners: sometimes it means just negation, sometimes just discovery. But of course just negation and just discovery are a impossibility!
And just conservation is again a death: negation of life.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Geistiges Wissen
Viele Leute shaffen geisteswissenschaftliches Wissen, noch mehr Leute reproduzieren dies Wissen, oft weil sie es einfach “mussen”; wenige aber sind die, die geisteswissenschaftliches Wissen durch leben, d.h. verschiedenen Perspektive konrekt und einzeln zu testen ohne sich der Bequemheit oder Oportunismus nach aufhalten zu lassen. Es ist nähmlich ein Wissen dass nur Störung bringt und den Mut eines Selbst herausfördert: jedes geschriebenes Wort heisst langjähriges praktisches Leiden und Nachdenken; die Squizze, die man ins Feuer wirft, ist dabei kein Blattpapier, sondern du Selbst.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
People believe that for many years women could not present thenselves as a sexual (I prefer to say « erotical ») being; nowadays men are those who cannot present theirselves as men at all, that means, even beyond acting as erotical beings. And everyone can see it, if one is not afraid from neglecting a whole world of utopic concepts without reality, the leftist world.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Meditation , Mindfullness
“Stop thinking too much” should not mean “stop reasoning”
There is something very true about the conceps of mind- aware- and now ( the ultimate novel) heartfullness. Nevertheless, the mainstream divulgation of such concepts confuses the idea of stop thinking with stop reasoning .
What else is the epokhé Husserls about? Its about “cleaning” the thoughts also, getting to a new level of consciousness. What for him was a fundamental act of consciousness did not mean that you stop reasoning, but that you improve the condition of your reasoning. As much as the meditation practice, Husserl speak about the consciousness as the core fundation of our primary intuition of the reality and the perceptions and interpretations related to it.
If this new non-religious meditation mainstream doesn’t speak about reasoning and meditation togheter, then we can “just stop thinking”, take some old mystical drugs, and celebrate our cultural decline right now.
Because a thing out of its predetermined order and context can be so harmful as the Sun trying to move like the Moon.
There is something very true about the conceps of mind- aware- and now ( the ultimate novel) heartfullness. Nevertheless, the mainstream divulgation of such concepts confuses the idea of stop thinking with stop reasoning .
What else is the epokhé Husserls about? Its about “cleaning” the thoughts also, getting to a new level of consciousness. What for him was a fundamental act of consciousness did not mean that you stop reasoning, but that you improve the condition of your reasoning. As much as the meditation practice, Husserl speak about the consciousness as the core fundation of our primary intuition of the reality and the perceptions and interpretations related to it.
If this new non-religious meditation mainstream doesn’t speak about reasoning and meditation togheter, then we can “just stop thinking”, take some old mystical drugs, and celebrate our cultural decline right now.
Because a thing out of its predetermined order and context can be so harmful as the Sun trying to move like the Moon.
Justice, Group and Essence
Justice, as the things of love, are always specific, and related to one essence. If you want justice for a whole group as such you are doing in fact injustice against some individual out of this group. Because as a group you will not have limits to define how damaged is the victim. That is worse if we speak about a ideology, that means, something that goes in time and space autonomously beyond the group.
As human beings we can perceive and isolate a element from one or more different and even paradoxically opposed sets in order to integrate the essence of this element in ours. If you educate someone with classical art , for example, this person will get always more sensible to what is the essence of something, but at the same time to how its essence is related to general values. Condition for doing justice is only a matter of relating feelings to a especifical reality in order to transform feelings of fear in feelings of love.
As an animal we would remain only in a vague collective and automatic way of behaviour, but as human beings we go beyond that: we relate our conscience to isolated elements, as much as to groups of elements at the same time.
What should then that mean, to identify a group with a sexual gender? And what should that mean, to identify a group with a sexual felling? If you cannot define all the victims of a group so you victimise every person of this group. And if you victimise just the ideas of this group, how can you confuse that with victimising the arguers of such ideas?
For doing justice its enough concepts of justice, you don't need the concepts of the victim-group; in the same sense you don't need to base it on the "agressor-group" as well. But the point is: a small group of human beings cannot damm the whole human species and its tradition as an aggressor! Because in this way you would accuse a whole group (much more complex) again, what can be harmful for one possible individual of this group:
so again you are coming from general ideas that can neglect the perception of a specific situation for this individual, because those ideas of the victim-group are based on feelings of fear. The ideas of the accused group, however, was based in feelings of love.
Basically we are comparing wrong actions taken from feelings of fear versus actions taken from fears of love. Bad actions are always bad, but a bad action based on wrong intention is a positive evil, while a bad action based on good intention is a negative evil.
The first is injustice in progress; the second is a reparable injustice.
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Without knowing the limits of what you want to know you will never know it at all; and the fear of what it could be, but you never checked out, can torment and possess you. Behind this fear are your true desires pointing to something beyond the limits, even as something that never can happen. The fear points to a death that we experience at the edge of the limit; the true will behind those desires,however, goes beyond the limit, expand it, because it is the spirit of life itself. The will can set limits for someone because it can go far beyond them as well. On the same way, your will dies if the limit appear as too threatening , or if the limit is totally unknown. In one case your energy dies by pressure, in the other case it dies by lost of pressure.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Only a stupid society like ours ( a society without roots) need to give more money for ephemeral solutions against suicide ( superficial entertainment is one of them) than for its prevention by reinforcing what distinct us as human beings (not as chimps!): this distinction means namely when society lives like a pyramid for the actual and spiritual transcendence of its individuals in THIS life, not as a desgusting nihilistic labyrinth of fear from oneself and goodly masked cowardice.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018
There is two important and opposite ways to understand nihilism: in one hand reality is conceived without any meaning but in a very neutral sense, in other hand reality is conceived as having a intrinsic negative meaning: thats the pessimist and anarchist type of nihilism. The first type of nihilism has still a coherence with the idea of creation of meaning.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
A philosopher don’t espect to be always right and you always wrong about fundamental things; he is just shure that he is normally right and you normally wrong when you both talk about these things.Ideally, he will not so easy understimate what he doesn’t know, while you certainly are overestimating what you know.
On “Be Yourself”
People like to speak about “self-knowledge” and about being “ yourself “. But its not easy to find who understand that being authentic without self-knowledge is the source of alienation and dependence.
The two most important conditions of self-knowledge is knowledge and courage. Courage can be taken from faith,its the key fundament before getting to know something; and knowledge means the heritage of classical teaches:philosophy, art, religion.
If your self-knowledge is based in wrong theories, sponsored by injust politics, what would you espect to be, while trying to “be your self”?
The two most important conditions of self-knowledge is knowledge and courage. Courage can be taken from faith,its the key fundament before getting to know something; and knowledge means the heritage of classical teaches:philosophy, art, religion.
If your self-knowledge is based in wrong theories, sponsored by injust politics, what would you espect to be, while trying to “be your self”?
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Monday, April 9, 2018
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Some people who do not get what they want can believe that they are not « manipulators » just because they did not get what they want. Because if you do not get what you want is easier to hidde what you in fact was looking for and reinterpretate the past of your acions.
The people who get something exactly as they want are those who will always suffer from this suspectious ambiguity: “how did they come there just with a good moral?!”
The people who get something exactly as they want are those who will always suffer from this suspectious ambiguity: “how did they come there just with a good moral?!”
Friday, April 6, 2018
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Saturday, February 3, 2018
A looser is more looser when he loses himself while loosing; otherwise he wins something he will never loose again. All the games are inner games.
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No matter what you think about mystic, or what mysticists say about everything: if you begin to think , you become aware how misterious ...
The best part of being a self-improving person is that you are more likely to be a good seducer - at least if you don’t choose celibate; an...
If one is not asking for help, helping too much can be manipulation. That is why charity is something so rare: the person who cares for a...